Elizabeth Blair Barber : A Life Amongst Painters

Curated by Connie Petrillo

Start Date
22 June, 2024
End Date
10 August, 2024

Elizabeth Blair Barber lived a life of movement; travelling the world, exploring the southwest of Western Australia and immersed in the social and aesthetic fabric of the artistic community of Perth.

From the moment she was enrolled in Henri Van Raalte’s Perth School of Art (1920), to the closure of her studio and exhibiting space at the Cremorne Art Gallery (1981), she was a regular presence in Perth’s art scene. She consistently observed and recorded the everyday, the world about her in her paintings. Hers was truly a life lived amongst artists.

This exhibition is curated by Connie Petrillo and it draws from Elizabeth Blair Barber’s archive of works that are put into aesthetic and historical context amongst the work of her friends and associates; including Henri van Raalte, Harald Vike, Audrey Greenhalgh and Guy Grey Smith.

For enquiries, sales, interviews, further information and images available for reproduction, contact Laetitia Wilson, P. +61 8 6217 2641 or email [email protected]

Header Image: Elizabeth Blair Barber, The 1960 Perth Royal Show, 1960, copyright of the artist’s estate

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no. 10 Gallery

During an exhibition period
Open: Tues – Sat, 11am – 5pm
Closed: Public Holidays

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61 8 6217 2640
Address: 10 Douglas Street, Gooyaman | West Perth WA 6005

Vasse Felix Gallery

Open: Daily, 10am – 5pm
Closed: Good Friday, 13 Dec; Christmas Day, 25 Dec; and Boxing Day, 26 Dec.

Phone: +61 8 9756 5000
Address: Cnr Tom Cullity Dr & Caves Rd, Cowaramup WA 6284
Directions: Please click HERE for directions to Vasse Felix

Web: vassefelix.com.au

Contact us

Holmes à Court Gallery
Janet Holmes à Court Collection

Dr. Laetitia Wilson
Curator & Gallery Manager
[email protected]

Louise Dickmann
Collection Coordinator
[email protected]

Elsie Metcalf
PA to Janet Holmes à Court AC | Event Enquiries
[email protected]

no.10 Venue Hire Enquiries: Click HERE for Venue Hire Information Pack

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