FFO Young Truckers
FFO Young Truckers
Young opera stars of Freeze Frame Opera perform highlights of opera on the famous opera truck in the beautiful surrounds of the Holmes à Court...
Young opera stars of Freeze Frame Opera perform highlights of opera on the famous opera truck in the beautiful surrounds of the Holmes à Court...
Angela Stewart is a member of the ArtCollective WA and her work is currently on show in the exhibition TEN. She will be in residence...
Join us to celebrate a decade of the Art Collective WA as we tour the exhibition and gain insights into the practice and artwork or...
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During an exhibition period
Open: Tues-Fri 12pm – 5pm | Sat 12pm – 4pm
Closed: Public Holidays
BY APPOINTMENT all other times for general business matters
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61 8 6217 2640
Address: 10 Douglas Street, Gooyaman | West Perth WA 6005
Open: Daily, 10am – 5pm
Closed: Good Friday, 17 Dec; Christmas Day, 25 Dec; and Boxing Day, 26 Dec.
Phone: +61 8 9756 5000
Address: Cnr Tom Cullity Dr & Caves Rd, Cowaramup WA 6284
Directions: Please click HERE for directions to Vasse Felix
Web: vassefelix.com.au
Holmes à Court Gallery
Janet Holmes à Court Collection
Elsie Metcalf
PA to Janet Holmes à Court AC | Operations Manager
[email protected]
Dr. Laetitia Wilson
Curator & Gallery Manager
[email protected]
Louise Dickmann
Collection Coordinator
[email protected]
no.10 Venue Hire Enquiries: Click HERE for Venue Hire Information Pack
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